I've had my studio for around 12 months and it's been a dream to have a space that I can call my shooting space. In fact, most of the portraits you have seen on this site were shot in my studio. 

It's been a crazy 2 years. I can't believe I am now a Maineiac and bleed Patriot colors. 

Here's the Spark Notes of the how I ended up in Portland Maine! 

In 2008 Mother's Day we were traveling up to Littleton Maine (that's right next to Houlton Maine) to see some family friends there. We flew into Hartford Connecticut, our luggage was then sent to Portland Maine for no good reason. We got into Portland Airport to see that they for some reason forwarded our luggage to Bangor Maine (again, no good reason). So we stopped in and grabbed some free breakfast over at Embassy Suites and went on our way to Bangor "airport." As I was driving I saw things I've never seen in living off PCH between Huntington Beach and Malibu and I liked it.  It took 7 years of waiting for the Door to open up and once it did, we jumped, sold the Giant Loft with a 500 sq ft movie theater and drove the 32 hours straight from Denver to Portland. I handle long distance driving like a boss thanks to my Starbucks Gold Card. Moved into a hotel for a week until we found the house we wanted to buy... (side note: almost closed on the Largest Loft in one of the Mills in Saco Island, but found out the HOA was $130K negative, so didn't want to deal with those shenanigans). 

So here are some exteriors pics of my studio building and some amazing people who work inside ThinkTank! Hope you love them! 


Caffeine Creative is a Creative Agency, All things Marketing and Advertising whether Digital or Tangle.  Photographer Patrick Jones an Internationally Published Photographer from Los Angeles and now in Portland Maine. I own Caffeine Creative, a Creative Agency. I work with clients from the West Coast to East Coast. I've been doing Photography several years now, but have a long history in Design/Film/Television and Radio. I'm pretty passionate about espresso and making latte art. Follow me on Instagram (SurJones) to see a peak instead a my daily hustle!