Clique Hasselblad Photographer

There are several rules to when you get a new camera. We'll cover Rule #1 for each camera. This is all in good humor, but you might giggle if at some point you have done this. 

1) Costco Camera/Point and Shoot/iPhone: Kids or dog will be your first image

2) Professional DSLR: Cat.... always a cat. 

3) Hasselblad: Flowers

I know so many photographers which will chuckles and say, "sadly, this is so true, and I am not ashamed."

Although I think the first images I shot were a shoot with Holy Donuts, I wanted to enjoy the remains sun from this year, and shoot flowers in.... my front yard! I know sooooo clique. But why flowers? What is it about flowers/landscapes do the medium format photographers love so much? Details, details, details...oh and color.

These images are pretty much SOOC.. that is photographer speak for Straight Out Of Compton...oooops I mean Straight Out Of Camera. 

What do you think?  Do you like these? Can a camera make the same flower look different and can one stand out more than the others.. I may just have to take all 3 of the above and do a comparison. I can tell you however the Medium Format and Hasselblad to boot, will win hands down every single time.


Caffeine Creative is a Creative Agency, All things Marketing and Advertising whether Digital or Tangle.  Photographer Patrick Jones an Internationally Published Photographer from Los Angeles and now in Portland Maine. I own Caffeine Creative, a Creative Agency. I work with clients from the West Coast to East Coast. I've been doing Photography several years now, but have a long history in Design/Film/Television and Radio. I'm pretty passionate about espresso and making latte art. Follow me on Instagram (SurJones) to see a peak instead a my daily hustle!